In this second case we are going to use another example from a
compound that it is not present in the databases used in the Example 1, at least on November 2022 (i.e., mzCloud
and GNPS).
This compound is the dipeptide Met-Pro
and our ion of
interest is 247.1111 @ 2.51
(see Annex
for specific details).
fl <- "C:/Users/garciaalom/Google Drive/projectes/course_wine/data/POS_std/mzML/x013_mix11_1_POS_DDA.mzML"
rdata <- Spectra(fl, source = MsBackendMzR())
ms1 <- rdata[rdata$msLevel == 1]
my_ms1 <- ms1[which.min(abs(2.51*60 - rtime(ms1)))]
my_ms1_df <- data.frame(
mz = mz(my_ms1)[[1]],
i = intensity(my_ms1)[[1]]
my_fml <- "C10H18N2O3S"
my_ad <- "[M+H]+"
my_ms <- calculateMass(my_fml)
my_mz <- mass2mz(my_ms, adduct = my_ad)
my_ip <- my_ms1_df[c(which.min(abs(my_mz - my_ms1_df$mz)),
which.min(abs((my_mz + 1.003355) - my_ms1_df$mz)),
which.min(abs((my_mz + 1.003355*2) - my_ms1_df$mz))),]
write.table(my_ip, "my_ms1.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
ms2 <- rdata[rdata$msLevel > 1]
ms2sub <- filterPrecursorMzRange(ms2, my_mz + 0.1 * c(-1, 1))
i <- which.min(abs(2.51*60 - rtime(ms2sub)))
my_sps_df <- data.frame(
mz = mz(ms2sub)[[i]],
i = intensity(ms2sub)[[i]]
my_sps_df <- my_sps_df[order(my_sps_df$i, decreasing = T),]
write.table(my_sps_df[1:7,], "my_ms2.txt", row.names = F, col.names = F)
First of all I’m going to use the SIRIUS software since it is more based on theoretical rules and compounds present in databases independently of MS/MS availability.
is a database that also allows extract potential interesting information
from the MS/MS spectrum even if it comes from a compound that is not
present in this database through the use of the
Substrcture Search
Substrcture Search
aims to find compounds that contain
particular fragments probably related with specific structural
In this case it is necessary to use the
Algorithm Type = Similarity
First results correspond to proline-containing molecules:
ms1 <- readMSData(file = fl, msLevel. = 1, mode = "inMemory")
my_chr <- chromatogram(object = ms1, mz = my_mz + 0.01 * c(-1, 1),
aggregationFun = "max", msLevel = 1L)
my_chr_df <- data.frame(
rt = rtime(my_chr[[1]]),
i = intensity(my_chr[[1]])
if($i[1])){my_chr_df$i[1] <- 0}
if($i[nrow(my_chr_df)])){my_chr_df$i[nrow(my_chr_df)] <- 0}
plot_ly(data = my_chr_df, x = ~rt/60, y = ~i, type = "scatter", mode = "lines",
line = list(color = "rgba(255, 88, 120,1)", width = 1),
name = paste0("<b>Extracted ion chromatogram</b><br> m/z ",
round(my_mz, 4), " (± 0.01 Da)"),
hoverinfo = "text", text = ~round(rt/60, 2)) %>%
layout(legend = list(x = 0.7, y = 0.99), showlegend = TRUE, #annotations = annot_max,
xaxis = list(title = "retention time (min)", showgrid = FALSE,
showticklabels = TRUE, showspikes = TRUE,
spikedash = "solid"),
yaxis = list(title = "Counts", zeroline = TRUE, showgrid = FALSE,
showticklabels = TRUE))
idx <- which(my_sps_df$i/max(my_sps_df$i) > 0.05)
plot_ly(data = my_sps_df) %>%
add_segments(x = ~mz, xend = ~mz, y = 0, yend = ~i,
name = paste0("<b>MS", msLevel(ms2sub)[i], " ",
round(precursorMz(ms2sub)[i], 4), " @ ",
round(rtime(ms2sub)[i]/60, 2),
" CE ", collisionEnergy(ms2sub)[i], "</b>"),
line = list(color = ~"#377EB8", width = 0.8),
text = ~round(mz, 4), hoverinfo = "text") %>%
add_text(data = my_sps_df[idx,], x = ~mz, y = ~i, text = ~round(mz, 4),
textposition = "top", showlegend = FALSE,
hoverinfo = "text", color = I("#377EB8")) %>%
layout(showlegend = TRUE, legend = list(x = 0.7, y = 0.99),
xaxis = list(title = "m/z", autorange = TRUE),
yaxis = list(title = "Counts", autorange = TRUE, zeroline = TRUE,
showgrid = FALSE, showticklabels = TRUE))